My Home Birth Checklist
Congratulations! It’s almost time to meet your baby! Let’s get prepared for their arrival.
☐ Purchase Home Birth Kit from Precious Arrows.
- Search “Anissa Sartini”
- Choose your mattress size for the protector
- Choose which size Disposable Panty you will wear after the birth
- Choose what color newborn hat you want
- If you plan on laboring in the inflatable birth pool, add liner and water birth net
- Birth Kit may be purchased at either:
☐ Emergency Birth Plan & Birth Plan filled out and placed with your Birth Kit
☐ $400 Assist Fee in Cash or Check to be paid to assistant at time of birth
Leave the name blank on check to be filled out when we know exactly who is coming.
☐ Have a space cleared for midwives to set up their supplies (dresser top or small table)
☐ Make your bed in this order for easy clean up:
- Clean fitted sheet on the mattress
- Mattress Protector
- Old or dark colored fitted sheet on top of that
- Other sheets and blankets as normal
☐ Labor snacks for mom: protein and sugar sources are important (Greek yogurt, nut butter, fruit, meats, honey).
☐ Water and Electrolyte Drinks (Coconut Water, healthy Gatorade alternatives)
☐ Snacks for family and birth team
☐ Meal for Postpartum: Mom will be very hungry after giving birth! Have a meal ready to warm up or cook quickly.
☐ One medium stainless steel bowl and Two gallon ziplock bags for the placenta
☐ Large pot to heat up extra water for tub ☐ Ice in freezer
☐ 6—10 wash clothes for cold and warm compresses during labor
☐ 6—10 towels for mom and baby getting out of bath, wrapping during newborn exam
☐ Crock pot for warm compresses
☐ New, clean garden hose to connect hot water heater, washer hot water hookup, or shower to fill the birth tub
☐ Two tall trash bags, one for laundry and one for trash
☐ Hydrogen Peroxide for Laundry (Large bottle)
☐ Laundry Detergent
☐ Empty washer/dryer!
☐ Package of Depends disposable underwear for after the birth
☐ Clean, comfortable clothes for labor—think pajamas, robe, loose comfortable dress
☐ Sports bra or bathing suit top if mother desires—nudity is fine also.
☐ Swimwear for others in birthing pool (father or other helpers)
☐ Clean, comfortable clothes for mother to wear after the birth
For baby:
☐ Blankets ☐ Diapers ☐ Clothing ☐ Wipes ☐ Nursing Pillow
Optional for extra comfort:
☐ Pads with witch hazel in the freezer ☐ Heating pad and/or rice sock ☐ Relaxing music
☐ If you have space in your home, a separate area set up for the birth team to rest while we take turns caring for mom and baby.
☐ Camera with fresh batteries/phone charged if you desire photos